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About Us

About Us
Welcome to CHOICES

Helping Today
Helping Tommorow

In this day of medical marvels, we as yet have no cure for obesity, but we do have the ability to make choices. America will have to choose nutrition over revenues and meal planning over instant gratification. Every community and every family will have to choose to ensure that children receive the reassurance and support they need to make lifelong choices for a happy, healthier life. The Center Helping Obesity In Children End Successfully, Inc. (C.H.O.I.C.E.S.) is eager to embrace this challenge.

Let’s Fight Childhood Obesity

There are an estimated ten million obese and overweight American kids who experience the ongoing frustrations associated with excessive weight and often do not know where to turn.  C.H.O.I.C.E.S., a grassroots organization was formed in April 2002 to join the fight against the deadly epidemic of childhood obesity. The Center aims to spread awareness of this critical issue and significantly reduce the presence of childhood obesity in our communities.

Our mission is to provide a parent and child resource center for clinically diagnosed and at-risk children of obesity. The Center promotes weight management and lifestyle changes through nutrition education, peer socialization, physical activity, and community involvement.


In this day of medical marvels, we as yet have no cure for obesity, but we do have the ability to make choices. America will have to choose nutrition over revenues and meal planning over instant gratification. Every community and every family will have to choose to ensure that children receive the reassurance and support they need to make lifelong choices for a happy, healthier life. The Center Helping Obesity In Children End Successfully, Inc. (C.H.O.I.C.E.S.) is eager to embrace this challenge.

There are an estimated ten million obese and overweight American kids who experience the ongoing frustrations associated with excessive weight and often do not know where to turn. C.H.O.I.C.E.S., a grassroots organization, was formed in April 2002 to join the fight against the deadly epidemic of childhood obesity.

For over twenty years, we have remained committed to helping children and families. Won’t you join us? 


Board of Directors & Staff

Executive Director
Polly Barrington
Soukhy Clark
Executive Chef
Chef Ashley Keyes
Project Manager
Marcia McCoy
C.H.O.I.C.E.S. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

Join Our Mission to Tackle
Childhood Obesity